Wednesday, 29 June 2011

June rehearsals

We had our June rehearsals in the Rock 'n' Roll Tavern in Malečnik for a change. A) it's hot like hell in our place at the Coast, and B) some of us had other errands to run nearby, so it was convenient. Especially for band members from Maribor :)

The material is now finished and relatively "stable", so we can hardly wait for some gigs in the autumn.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Live video: The End of the Vilewood Road

Here's the last (relatively useful) video from the gig at the Rock 'n' Roll Tavern in Malečnik near Maribor. That is, at least until the owner of the second camera decides to solemnly unveil what he managed to record (if anything).

As with the other videos below, the sound was recorded directly with the camera, so it's not exactly something to write home about... Though in comparison to other camera recordings I've had the misfortune of hearing I think it's surprisingly good in comparison. After I got my paws on the videos I also extracted the sound, processed it (to a feasible extent :)), and sent it back to the video guy, who then re-rendered the videos using the processed sound tracks.

Monday, 13 June 2011

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Live video: TV Turns on You

Here's a video of TV Turns on You from the gig in Malečnik. The sound's been recorded directly with the camera (and post-processed a bit, as far as possible), so all things considered it actually turned out relatively well, I think. In my experience camera mikes frequently clip uncontrollably, mangling the sound beyond recognition, but I find this quite... erm... passable :)

Sunday, 5 June 2011

A couple o' pics

Finally got around to organising the photos from out first full-length gig (Rock 'n' Roll Tavern, Malečnik, 21 May 2011). Here are some of them:

More pics here.
A couple of videos coming soon.