Tuesday, 22 June 2010

New guitarist!

Well, I'll be damned, we miraculously managed to find a new guitarist willing to play some power chords in very unusual time signatures! His name is Enej Demirović and he'll take the place of Jan Urbanc, our previous heavy metal guitarist who got a bit too lucky with his wife and got pregnant (OK, OK, in reality it was a meticulously planned affair, but he was quite... erm, prolific... and managed to accomplish the goal in the first try, it seems).

Currently it is not yet known whether Enej will simply kamikaze onto the stage on 26 June after just one (1!) practice session with the whole band and join us for the first live gig, the Barakafest 5... Or if we'll opt for a somewhat less suicidal way out and, just this once, give the job to the keyboardist's MacBook instead?

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